Association „Balta maja”

Association „Balta Maja” project to provided support for the Organization’s activities progress.

After the beautiful summer, when enjoying the Sun, people from Livani went to the woods, busily worked in gardens, the association had not many visitors. Now the Association „Balta maja” has again begun alacrity. Society staff and volunteers are delighted that the significant support for the activities of the society provide Association „Balta maja” project „Support for the Activity of the Association „Balta Maja” to Strengthen the Participatory Democracy in Latgale Region” (contract number: 2012.EEZ/DAP/MAC/152), the implementation which was launched from July this year. The project is supported by the European economic area (EEA) financial instruments in 2009-2014 period, “NGO Fund” subprogramme “activities of non-governmental organizations support program”.

Mostly active continues to operate its interest groups whose activities have already begun several years ago. They are two senior groups “Gundegas” and “Rudens rozes”. Just look for the opportunity to learn something new or useful association organized the travellers club and regular gymnastics and craft handmade lessons.

Thank the support of program, the association can pay more attention to local NGOs and initiative groups;it is possible to provide advice and associations necessary office services

Līvāni NGOs and initiative groups, the society’s visitors, especially Līvāni municipality disadvantaged citizens are provided a resume preparation, internet access to the required information, and various submissions, documents, mailing preparation; copying, scanning, printing and other offices or information services. The measure ensures the provision of customer service employee.

The program is funded by the EEZ Grants and Latvian State.

Supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.

More about EEA Grants programme “NGO fund”
EEA Grants website in Latvia:
EEA Grants official website: