Association „Balta maja”
30 September 2015

The Training of Association Activists and Creative Theatrical Rehearsals Continue in September

   The implementation of the Association’s “Balta maja” project “Experience and Knowledge for the Integration of Minorities into the Latvian Society” (Project’s contract identification number:2013.EEZ/PP/2/MAC/035/050) continues. The project is supported by the European Economic area financial mechanism 2009 – 2014 period program’s “NGO fond” sub-programme “NGO project program”.

   September has gone by in active collaboration-the activists of associations have donemost ofthe work ofIntegration stage” performancestagingandrehearsalprocess. In addition, there was successfully heldthe activisttraining of minorityassociationsin mid-September.

   Within the framework of the project in Livani on 21st August there was training for activists of minorityassociations. It was led byMarikaRudzīteGriķe from the association “Sava kabata”. This time the theme of training was “Public Relations”.Project coordinators, leaders andactivistsfrom thefourproject collaborationcitiesin Latgale – from the association “Uzori” (Livani), Belarusiancultural and educationalsociety “Uzdim” (Daugavpils), association Rezekne city theatre studio “Joriks” (Rezekne) and from theUkrainianCultural educationassociationJavir” together with the head of trainingMarikaRudzīte – Griķe explored the functions of public relationsandtheir important rolein promoting the work of associations. The participants also discussed ways to createpublicsupport for the ideas and needs of their associations with the help of information spreading, persuasion and ordering.

   Marika Griķe-Rudzīte told that public relations is the art of many components as well as science, theory and practice. It involvescommunication andcommunicationmanagement, relationship management,media andpublicopinion, the image andreputation, moralityand ethics of the organization(association), social psychology,business etiquette, language skills andpersonalmarketing. With intense and skilful “nurturing” of the public relations field it is possible to createfavourableconditions fortheir ownorganization’sgrowth and development.

   Asacknowledged bythe associationrepresentatives, who mentioned theirhithertosuccessfulactivities and projects, a successfuladvertising andpresentation ofinformationin the publicspaceare the keysto being heard. They allow attracting as many interested people as possible. The activists of the associations gota lot of newinitiativesandideas which will be furtherput into practice.

   Yes, the newly gained knowledge will be appliedvery soon, i.e., while preparing for the “Integration stage” on the 24th-25th October in Rezekne. There the activists of each association will demonstrate their prepared performing art- a play by the representatives of ethnic minorities in the Latvian language. At present the participants are actively rehearsing 4 different plays in 4 cities. They will meet on one stage at the end of October and join in a theatrefestival, which is also a celebration of friendship, confirmingthe fact thatlanguagescanenrichanduniteus.

   Furthermore, in this theatre festival on the 25th October there will be a flash mob, which carries the idea of unity, friendship and cooperation between people. The main function of the flash mob is to draw public attention the current issues. This is like a flicker of ideas that allows you to “open your eyes” and get a better understanding of a certain issue.

   The association “Balta maja” hopes that studies, work, relationships and festivals will strengthen mutual respect, friendship and cooperation in order to have a better life in Latvia for all inhabitants!



More information:

phone: 65381707



The program is funded by the EEZ Grants and Latvian State

Supported by a grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway

 This publication has been prepared by the EEA Financial Mechanism and Latvian State financial support.

 For the content of this publication responsible is association „Balta maja”.